Can't stop singing this beautiful song. sorry for my execution :D
Can't stop singing this beautiful song. sorry for my execution :D
According to, today's the day to say 'thank you' and I'm willing to!
Thank you, K, for spending wonderful 4 years with me, changing me and being a huge help and delight. :*
Thank you, Sasha Kh., for being there for me now, when I need you.
Thank you, Justin, for taking me in and making my teaching enjoyable and helping out a lot.
Thank you, Johan and Judy, for being wonderful and interesting friends, who are always ready to help whenever I ask anything.
I have a lot of 'thank you's.
I remember saying once - not long ago - when I met someone new, that I'll wake up 'fucked up at 3 a.m.', quoting the song.
I didn't after all. I blew it!
I had the weirdest dream today, the Death was standing right next to me, he was a huge man. I couldn't get to sleep, I was suffocating. What the heck was that? Everything was dark…
I wasn't in the mood to post anything yesterday. I just wasn't. I know I'm supposed to do it 100 days on end, but… see if I care.
I've been having quite pleasant days, to be honest. I was reflecting on those 4 painful years I had. Not so painful, after all. I was now thinking about them as a time of great happiness, I felt so warm…
YOU STILL MEAN THE WORLD TO ME. I still do love you greatly and think about you. December, 9th still matters to me greatly.
I'm happy we were together. You've given me more than anybody else could have. Our Alice, dacha and a lot of intimate stuff - all of that is always with me. You're in my thoughts, songs and books.
I only wish you happiness, K.
I miss you, you know
To the Lighthouse - I couldn't help giving it this exaxt name, I like that novel by Virginia Woolf.
I'm now looking for some 'lighthouse' to move towards. Well, I though I had found, but turns out I was wrong, it collapsed, haha.
It seems to me that people who say 'you're trying too hard, just stop; don't look for anything, it'll find you' are right. I wish I could stop! [working on that]
And Merry Christmas! As they sing in the song, good tidings to you.
Oh, this is gonna be short. I just can't thank you enough for being with me on this horrible night. That's the definition of a real friend. Thank you…
I'm feeling blue [down, sad - whichever you'd prefer].
Because the Universe is kinda teasing me by sending me all these people which are quite fun at first. I start falling in love or feeling something only to see they're either downright boring or just repulsive. Argh!
However, I don't stop hoping and dreaming. Although my case is obviously complicated [if you're in, you know] but we're the ones who set boundaries, right? Impossible IS nothing. Ooh, there should be another post about Vadim Zeland's 'Transurfing' [not sure about the right translation - whatever].
The pic - I think it's a wonderful idea for a newspaper. I'd love to be in charge!
Anyways, man, you were just Z-A-Z-Z-Y!
Holy c*ap! I'd never realized that the relationship I was in was so damaged till I saw this thingy. This is quite interesting.
Well, my therapist said that after all that sh*t I'll be wiser in my next relationship. Counting on that!
I think… no… I'm positive - if I were a dog, I'd totally be like this. LOL
I do feel like I'm 'a special part of one big Grand Design'.
filled with light and love. purr, purr
God, it's happening again. I'm in love.
It's like a dream. I had seen you a hundred times, I thought how gorgeous and breath-taking you are. But you were so far away.
Look at us now. Here you are: so kissable and huggable. I just wanna hold that beautiful hand of yours and stroke it.
AFK to doodle your name dreamily.
'but 6, 7, 8, 10 days ago I had a revelation - all is well right now'